Host and SBDC director, Kelly Bearden will begin the webinar with a look at the economy, capital resources, and small business recovery opportunities.
Bearden will be joined by Dawn Golik, District Director for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Fresno District that covers the Eastern Sierra, San Joaquin Valley and the Central Coast regions. Golik will give an update on disaster relief for areas impacted California’s recent storms. She will also discuss current SBA programs and services available for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Kurtis Clark, executive director of the Central CA Regional SBDC network will also join the webinar. Clark will provide a “State of Small Business in Central California” that details the challenges and opportunities ahead in 2023 throughout the region.
Questions from attendees will be taken.
This marks the 10th anniversary the “Webinar Wednesday” business series that began on Jan. 23, 2013. Locally produced, the weekly webinar continues to provide news and information helpful to employers and business owners.
The SBDC provides free one-on-one consulting to help small business owners. New and existing businesses can sign up for assistance by
clicking here!